miércoles, 11 de julio de 2007

Digital Pixels

Surfing arround I have found the blog by the Spanish Photographer Pablo Vicente.
His web is full of very interesting creations. You can find a lot of information of how to shoot with small flashes "a la Strobist" here


lunes, 25 de junio de 2007

Strobist Gear: Tunning the Ebay triggers

Originally uploaded by flashyfeliz
All the pictures of the first Lighting 102 assignment were made with the gear of the first picture. My trusty Canon Powershot G-5 bought in 2003, a Metz 45 CL-3 strobe (which is about twenty years old) and the in-famous e-Bay triggers: I have used them for almost a year now and I have found the same realibility problems many people have found. But Pocket Wizzards, despite the last offers, are still very expensive for me.
For me, the weakest point of the EBT is the CR-2 battery: it lasts only a hundred photos. After that, it starts to give random faulty flashes and some sincronization problems.
As CR-2 batteries are expensive (6€ per unit) I have "tunned" my EBTs using 3 Ni-MH AA elements (3,6 Volt). The experience has been completely satisfactory.
You can see my modification in the next picture: I have removed the screw that locks the trigger "shoe mount" as I use only the Sync Cord connection (I have found, also, that the hotshoe is not very reliable)

domingo, 24 de junio de 2007

Barbara is posing for me :)

Originally uploaded by flashyfeliz

My favorite model, Barbara (Barbie for her friends... lol ) has been in my studio, posing for me.
I needed her to start the Lighting102 exercises proposed by David Hobby (a.k.a. Strobist).
In my flickr photostream you can find what you can achive with only one flash, moving it arround your model.

domingo, 6 de mayo de 2007

Photography is nothing, it's life that interests me

There are words of Henri Cartier-Bresson.

This quote and hundreds more of dozens of photographers they are in the interesting site Photoquotes a place where the words inspire pictures. Really interesting.

jueves, 19 de abril de 2007

A useful Flickr tool

If you are a Flickr user like me possibly you know the Interestingness section, the daily selection of the ‘best’ pictures chosen by Flickr. But is possible that you don’t know the Flickr Grab page. This is a very interesting tool with that you can see in only two pages all the 500 Interestingness pictures of every day; or all the last pictures of another Flickr member; or all the Favs of a Flickr friend… Is easy to use and very useful. I recommed to you that to prove it !.

lunes, 16 de abril de 2007

Beniliam again...

Originally uploaded by ::· Beniliam ·::.
My friend Beniliam goes on with his small rangefinder cameras. Shooting TRI-X and developing his own copies.
Yes, I know that he is not using digital at this moment, he is in "classical photography"... But who minds?. I can assure you that he can do outstanding pictures with a digicam ;-)

New York street shooter

A lot of people visit New York every year taking million of pictures of the city. But Lorenzodom is not a tourist. He lives and works in NY and during the last two years has created an spectacular collection of street pictures of the city taken with his compact camera. In his Flickr site you can see all of his extensive work with his personal point of view of New York.

martes, 27 de marzo de 2007

More pictures by PJ Txema Amat

Some more pictures from his site...

Real life by Txema Amat

Spanish Photographer Txema Amat is a professional Photo Journalist working in Castellón. A sample of his works could be found at: http://imagelog.goto20.com/txema1976
It's a little bit slow but it's worth the waiting.
I have found some remarkable pictures on "the live in the streets".

viernes, 23 de marzo de 2007

A "strange" link?

As you can see in my links there is a new and "strange" link: DOMENECH ABOGADOS

It's so stange? No, because in every country you want to develop a photographic work you must be aware of the laws.

DOMENECH Spanish Lawyers are a team of professionals with more than ten years experience in various branches of law, specialising in international matters. They count on the collaboration of lawyers from other countries and have their own sworn translation and interpretation service.

As they are expert in BUSINESS LAW, they can support any project related with photography, publicity and audio-visual productions that your are willing to do in Spain.

miércoles, 21 de marzo de 2007

nothing but light

nothing but light
Originally uploaded by noiselot.
Another exemple of how important your gear is to make good pictures.
Yes, in certain circunstances you must have the right tool and it could be the difference between having the picture or... not.
But for the amateur a simple cameraphone and a lot of "brain" could be enough...

viernes, 16 de marzo de 2007

Tone Hacker by Guillermo Luijk

In this thread of the Luminous-Landscape you can find Tone-Hacker. A small utility developed by the spanish photographer Guillermo Luijk.
Tone Hacker allows any user to easily "reverse engineer" B&W tonings from his favourite authors, and apply them straight into any B&W picture. It also calculates a standard Photoshop .acv curve file.
This utility can be downloaded for free from the author's website (follow Software - Tone Hacker):

jueves, 15 de marzo de 2007

Why Flickr?

I arrived to Flickr almost by chance. It was summer 2006 and a friend told me to take part in the Strobistbootcamp by David Hobby. For starters I found its Graphic User Interface very unfriendly. As I have used other photogalleries in the past (pbase, etc...), I decided to use it only for that experience and forget it.

The Strobistbootcamp was a very challenging experience. Since then I'm addicted to DH blog, I check it daily to find advice and inspiration... But my relationship with Flickr did not followed the same way!

Later I have readen this interesting "essay" by Petteri Sulonen: Why Flickr Is Better (For You)
I have readen most of Petteri's "pontifications" and I agree with a lot of them... But his oppinions on that point did not convice me... At this time.

But one day I became bored with the "social dynamics" that grew in the photography forums and photogalleries and I decided to give Flickr a second chance.
And I became addicted.

As Petteri says in his essay Flickr "adds up to a social dynamic that encourages creativity and individuality rather than conformity and uniformity."

If you haven't tried it yet... Give it a chance, it's free ;-)

Pablo Lorente (Spain)

A interesting young photographer. He has not a flickr gallery, but you can find this pictures doing a search...
A more complete sample of his works can be found at his website www.pablolorente.com

miércoles, 14 de marzo de 2007

"Sácame guapo, ehh?"

"Sácame guapo, ehh?"
Originally uploaded by alfonstr.
Another DSS example from another Flickr photographer...
A photography inside another photography, like rusian "matrushkas"...

What is DSS?

DSS is an acronym I heard in photographic forums. It stands for Digital Street Shooter, applied to digital cameras to take "urban pictures". But for me, it must be used more widely to design all: the gear, the pictures and the most important part... The photographers! In this blog you will see works of other photographers that I found remarkable...Don't miss the oportunity of be a DSS!!!


If you don't know his work yet I reccomend you a visit to his pictures on Flickr.

Beniliam is a young spanish photographer. He started with a digital SLR and then switched to compact 35mm film cameras.
I suppose that he will, in the future, switch back to "direct digital" capture with a sort of compact camera like the SIGMA DP-1...
Of course the copyright of this picture belongs to him :)

Here we go...

Let's start a new blog about photography.

A new acronim, DSS, pulled me to start this blog. I know some good contempory "street photographers" and only time will tell if they will be as famous as HCB :-)